Thursday 6 August 2015

Banshee - Cry In The Night (1988)

Artist: Banshee
Release Title: Cry In The Night
Release Type: EP
Release Year: 1988
Artist Genre: Power Metal
Artist Origin: USA
My Rating: 76%

Track Listing: 1. We Want You 2. Back Your Way 3. I Believe 4. The Stranger 5. Cry In The Night
Total playing time: 25:00

Banshee were a group that hailed from Kansas and initially had a US power metal orientated sound but with a small dose of glam fun which became more prevalent on their subsequent releases. The sound is loosely close to the Fifth Angel debut in that regard although with a more muscular snarling melodic vocalist, sorta like a possessed version of Dio and the sound here is more raw than the silky glam sound they'd have on later releases. The quality of the tracks is solid and range from decent to great and revel in the over the top 80's metal fun that was rife until the grunge sh*t hit the fan..You can hear an mp3 upload of the title track above. This mp3 upload showcases the talent of the band perfectly.

The jewel on here is far and away the closing track "Cry In The Night" which is a triumphant, Epic, jaw dropping barnstormer which is so satisfying and irritatingly obscure that you'll greet it like the brother you never knew. The rest is all enjoyable in it's own way too. "We Want You" and "Back Your Way" are above average rockers, "I Believe" is a nice mix of light melody and heavy rocking with some cool lead guitar and "The Stranger" is a more balladic and atmospheric piece which also works well. Check out mp3 downloads of the tracks I've mentioned and buy it from amazon if it's right up your street.

Just a cool EP that if you like classic melodic metal you have to appreciate. I still can't figure out what the front cover is supposed to be but who cares...